FGBC Member Detail

Member Detail

Member #3041
Expires 7/31/2025

William Kachman

31415 Hill Drive
Deland, FL 32720
Map of this address
Phone: 321-206-8749

Retired Army Major of Field Artillery. Worked for 12 years in the education field as a teacher, registered lobbyist for Correctional Education and a Distance Education developer for Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. In 2004 joined my friend Ralph Locke and got involved with Green Building. For the next nine years I participated as an employee to manage his construction and consulting firm. I worked with local government and communities to further Green Building practices in Volusia and Lake Counties. I have also consulted with Owner Builders to work with contractors to build their certified green homes. In my retirement years I am working to help FGBC grow in Florida and become the pre-eminent Green Organization in Florida.

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