FGBC Member Detail

Member Detail

Member #1344
Expires 8/31/2025

Hjalmar Pachas

Manatee County Government
Bradenton, FL 34205
Map of this address
Phone: 941-748-4501

Hjalmar Pachas is a Mechanical Engineer who graduated from the University of Carabobo in Valencia, Venezuela in 2003. Hjalmar has enriched his skill set by obtaining a certification as an Energy Manager in 2021. Since 2018, Hjalmar has played a pivotal role in Manatee County's Energy and Sustainability division, viewing his position as a profound opportunity to contribute significantly to the community and the nation's well-being. He firmly believes in the importance of his work to ensure Manatee County's resiliency for future generations.
Hjalmar's notable accomplishments include:
Establishing and continuously improving a comprehensive product manual to guide vendors and staff in understanding Manatee County's construction design preferences.
Hjalmar Takes a leadership role in monitoring, tracking, and developing dashboards to oversee energy and water consumption across all the county's facilities.
Collaborating closely with facility managers to create, explain, analyze, and implement efficiency standards and policies.
Hjalmar conducts ASHRAE level I, II, and III standard energy audits for Manatee County.
Hjalmar Led a multidisciplinary team in the re-certification of Manatee County through the Florida Green Building Coalition (FGBC).
Spearheading the creation and enhancement of the County energy plan, county-wide resilience plan, and efforts toward a Climate adaptation plan. Leading a project to document and report the County's greenhouse gas emissions to create a Manatee County Net Zero plan.
Hjalmar oversees the drone roof thermal inspection program. Plus, Hjalmar provides crucial support to the Land Acquisition division in drafting a service agreement for the sale of chill water from Manatee County's Chiller plant.
In his role, Hjalmar serves as a trusted consultant to both management and staff, consistently offering innovative solutions to support efficiency and conservation initiatives.

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